Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Burst of Sunshine During a Thunderstorm

As much as I didnt want to go, Im glad I did. This was in the midst of the heartache. The unbearable pain that decided to show itself to the world. It was said that taking this time and going to Disneyland would be good for me. Now that I look back, it probably was the best decision. I think Ellie needed it. She enjoyed it so much. When something like this happens to a marriage, we seem to forget about who we're affecting. She was definitely affected during this miserable time. Though wheres a better place to be at a time like this than 'The Happiest Place on Earth'?

I was excited to go to the beach while we were in California. Something about the beach makes life's worries disappear. For me its the ideal place to be when going through something so traumatic.

I could've stayed in such a beautiful, uplifting place and forget about the thing that brought me there..

1 comment:

  1. good girl with your little knickers down I am going to make you feel soooooooooo good



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