Tuesday, April 27, 2010


They say it just get easier over time..when really the nights just get that much more painful. When you're laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, asking yourself, "How the hell did I let this happen?" Its a question that Im constantly asking myself. We were perfect. We had it all. We couldve conquered the world together. I loved him. We were meant to be...right? I still like to think so. How do you let something get between that? Something I thought was so soild. Its been a month now. Probably the hardest month Ive ever had to face. Each day is a struggle. A stuggle to keep my mind busy. I can easily see how one could go down the wrong path in a situation like mine. Though I have to say, Im lucky to have an amazing support team behind me. It makes it a little easier...just a little.

1 comment:

  1. We should really get together for lunch or tea :o)




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