Monday, May 24, 2010

Ellie's Day

Today was one of those days. It was just "blah." Nothing in particular happened, just a low day.On that note, I was very proud of my darling Ellie. We decided she was going to become a "big girl" today by starting to use the potty. She was resistant to the thought. She kept saying she was scared. Silly girl. Though in a strange way, I understood every time she said that. Doing something that's completely new to you, is very terrifying. I learned you cant really sit and dwell over it. You just have to do it. Without thinking too much about, we decided it was now or never. Emma, who's younger, is already in the process of getting potty trained. We borrowed some of Emma's Toy Story panties. Though they were little boys underwear, they looked so cute on Ellie. I promised her prizes or candy and anything else that popped in my head if she used the potty. To my surprise, she used the potty three times. She had two accidents but that was bound to happen. She used it twice with some help and the other she ran to the potty, pulled down her panties and used it all by herself! She was so excited. We gave hi-fives and danced a little. She won some candy and a princess doll. She picked them both from the "Potty Prizes" basket. This little girl was more than ready to get potty-trained. It wasn't my idea to start today but with a push from my sister, I thought it was the right time. We didn't come prepared so tomorrow we are going to go pick her out some big girl panties.

Mommy's so proud of you Ellie!

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