Friday, May 21, 2010

Small Things I Enjoy

In this journey of finding ones true self, Ive had the pleasure of figuring out things about myself that I would've never thought. For instance, this blog. I never had a thing for writing, but I love it now. I look forward to blogging whenever I'm feeling a little down or even great. I've gotten a few people say I should let my writing take me somewhere in life. I get a lot of compliments and it feels good. Doing something I have a passion for and getting some kind of acknowledgment for it. I really enjoying writing. Who knows it might take me somewhere some day.

Along with writing, Ive come to realize I love photography. When I'm behind the lens, I feel like I'm in another world. I can take pictures all day. So in this realization, I wanted a good camera that I can practice with. So I don't have to keep using my sisters camera all the time. I bought a Canon SLR to take my passion to the next level. I fell in love with this camera and it's only been a few days. There will be lots of pictures posted, probably every other day. Show the world my talents (If I have any). I enjoy taking pictures and that all that matters.

Here's some of my first on my NEW camera.


  1. These pics are really your FIRSTS on this camera- right out of the box. They look great. Were gonna have lots of fun Felicia- you little writer/photographer you!

  2. Wow S.I.L! They look good! Remember, Angle+Zoom+Lighting+Focus=Great shoots.
    Whenever I learn something new, I let you know too.



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