Wednesday, May 12, 2010

MOVING on four days, Ellie and I are making the big move! I couldn't be more excited. New city to explore, new people to meet and much more family time. I'm so ready to leave all this behind. Forgetting my old life. Start fresh. Make a new beginning for myself. I plan on getting there and doing nothing but great things. I like that I wont know anyone but those in my family. So no one really has the opportunity to judge me and my past. I'll take these experiences that crossed my path, and use them to better myself in this new life I'm going to create. I'll look back at my old life one day and it will merely be a distant memory that brought me new insight on life. Its something negative that has happened but I'll be damned if it keeps my spirit down. Life works in mysterious ways and Im sure this is one of many more to come. Could I say a blessing in disguise? I have never been more sure about anything. : )

I remember always saying I wish Ellie and her cousin Emma could grow up to be best friends and go to the same school. Well now all that can happen. More memories to make. Like when the girls decided to put our make-up on...They're going to get into so much trouble together. Ready Jenie?

These are the things I'm looking forward to. Nick and Daniel, ready to show me all the hot spots in Tucson? Haha if they're are any! And DJ, ready to spend lots of quality time with you're favorite sister in-law? I know you are!

Well I know you guys are just excited about the move as Ellie and I are!

See ya in a few days!!

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