Sunday, May 2, 2010

I was Handed a Lemon...Therefore I must Make Lemonade..

They say all good things must come to an end...its that time now. Never thought Id say "this" was coming to a close but it's probably for the best. That's even crazy to think. I say that, but in my heart, I don't know if I completely agree. I do believe though, that things happen for a reason. I can't say I was ever unhappy but maybe this is his way of saying I was meant to do something amazing with my life. I have to look at it that way. I wish things couldve ended differently but on the other hand, I'm excited to start a new life. So in a weird way, I say, "thank you". Not thank you for ending things, bailing on us, or giving up, but for setting me free. Free to do the things I've always wanted to do with my life but never really given the opportunity.  I know Ill make that life for myself that Ive always wanted. Prove to you that I wasn't a waste and I can be that amazing, independent, successful woman I had always dreamt of.

So to all you out there that think I'm a failure, a forgettable person or even another statistic, you are the one's I'm most excited to prove myself to. This will not bring me down nor cause me to go down the wrong path, it will simply make me that person I knew I could and wanted to be all along.

So here I go..with a smile. Lemonade anyone?


  1. Selee you are very inspiring and strong. It is amazing the way you have been able to see the positive from this situation. Ellie will see how strong you are and she will do the same. Yeah you were young and it didn't work out but you're no statistic, you are picking yourself up and not giving up, doing so would make you a statistic. I'm so proud of you. If you ever need anything, I'm here for you lady! Give hugs to Ellie for me!




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