Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tucson Here We Come!

Id never thought these words would be coming out of my mouth. Tucson?! Really?! The place I always said Id never move to. When unexpected things happen in your life, the unexpected happens. Tucson may not be the greatest of all places to live but I'm going to make the best out of it. Do what I need to do, for myself and for Ellie. She'll be happier around her best friend Emma, uncles, aunt, her Maga, and all her extended family. I'm sure we with both miss certain things about Phoenix, but it doesn't mean we're leaving for life. Her and I both need as much family around us as possible. She needs to have some consistency in her life right now, and its not happening here. Her life has been turned upside down and I know making this move will only do great things for her.

I will look back on this experience one day and be able to smile at it all. The smile's not completely there right now, but oh it will be, eventually. I know I'll come back one day, with a better life for us. I'll be able to look at you all and laugh at those who's life are the same as they always were. Unhappiness and full of misery.

So I sit here as I'm typing this and smile. I smile because I know I'm going to make it. To everyone that said I was a strong woman and I would come out of this on top, thank you. I didn't see it then, but I sure as hell see and feel it now.

To the few friends here in Phoenix that stood by me during hard time (and you know who you are), this isn't a goodbye but simply a, see you later.

Im excited for a fresh start, so here we come Tucson!

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