Monday, May 10, 2010

A Stranger's Words

"Mommy, mommy!?" says the young girl in the yellow ruffled dress. "Yes, my darling?" answers the beautiful thirty-something woman. "Do you think anyone is ever completely happy, like, with everything in their life?" The mother looked as if her daughter had asked a crazy question. " Well, yes, I do." She continued to say, "life is always going to have it's downfalls, but never let them keep you down. You get right back up with a smile, even if it hurts." The little girl smiled as she said, "Is that what you did to make you as happy as you are?" The woman kneeled down, eye level with her daughter and said, "I'm happy because I have you Libby."

I was at Borders when I overheard this conversation. It brought tears to my eyes as I saw how the little girl, who's name I now know is Libby, reacted to what her mother just said. Libby grabbed her mothers hand with pride and walked away. I sat there for a minute, taking in what I had just witnessed. It was kinda crazy how it related to my situation. I remember thinking to myself that that is how Ellie and I are going to be. Me, so thankful to have her and her, proud to have a mommy like me.

 I now know whats important in life. Happiness and family. This woman, who put things in perspective for me, without her knowing it, made me think. I don't need to have all the other things that supposedly come with being happy. Just the things that matter most. Family...without family, what do you have? Nothing. A life full of feeling empty and sad. I appreciate my family that much more.

I was away from Ellie for four days and it feels so good to be around her again. I saw her and just smiled. My precious daughter who keeps me going each day. Oh where would I be without her...not in a good place probably.

While I was away from her, it just made me realize how shes changed my life. Brought so much joy and love into my heart. Showed me what unconditional love is. Sometimes, I just look at her in amazement, cant believe I was chosen to be that little girls mother. She makes my life worth living. There are times when we just lay in bed together and giggle, give lots of hugs and kisses, and talk. That actually happens a lot. When I think back to a few months ago, I thought we were pretty close. But now I know and feel our relationship has become closer. And it's only going to get stronger. I love that girl more than I can even express. How can anyone not?

So I think back to that woman in the bookstore and how she gave me something to think about. She was so genuine and loving in what she said to her daughter. Though my favorite, was the way Libby looked at her mother, like she was so proud.

That'll be us Ellie.


  1. I think you have a future in writing

  2. Aww Selee, this was a very touching story! It's crazy how you happend to be in the right place at the right time. God works in mysterious ways and I'm sure He put you in that situation just soo you would hear that conversation between Libby and her momma. I'm soo happy to see you standing strong and keeping your head up as hard as it may be at times. I'm here for whatever you need, just give me a call or text and I'm there for you lady! Give Ellie a big hug from us!



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